Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about common herbs used in treatment of common diseases in Chhattisgarh, India : Recent interactions with the traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam and Bagbahera regions.

Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about common herbs used in treatment of common diseases in Chhattisgarh, India : Recent interactions with the traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam and Bagbahera regions.

Pankaj Oudhia

Extended Summary

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© Pankaj Oudhia

Through the recent interactions with the traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam and Bagbahera regions, I got many valuable information on traditional uses of common herbs used in treatment of common diseases. 

The traditional healers of Bagbahera region informed about the decoction prepared by using bark of different medicinal trees in treatment of gum and teeth related troubles. According to them, this decoction helps as both curative and preventive. In this decoction, the bark of Bar (Ficus benghalensis), Pipal (Ficus religiosa), Doomar (Ficus glomerata) and Chirai Jam (Syzygium cumini) are used. All barks are converted into powder and mix in equal proportion. The mixture is boiled in water and when half quantity (of initial quantity) of water remains, the boiling is stopped and decoction is used. The patients are advised by the healers to gargle with the decoction. Every time fresh decoction is prepared. The traditional healers further informed me that the barks collected from different trees, at same time period (difference of two-three days are permitted) are the best in terms of medicinal properties as compared to the barks collected in different season. Also, the barks from the trees growing in cluster are considered more promising. I am trying to get the scientific explanation for this specific selection criteria. According to the healers all the above trees, generally grow in moist places. Hence, it is not very difficult to find out the clusters in nature. The healers informed me another use of Bar leaves. They use the decoction of leaves in treatment of Dysuria. The old but dry leaves of Bar are preferred. This decoction is used in advance stages of trouble when all other remedies fail. The healers of this region also use the bark of Bar in combination with the bark of Amli (Tamarinid) in treatment of diabetic carbuncle. Both barks are crushed into powder and aqueous paste in applied externally. This is less frequently used combination. The healers of this region use the seeds of Ban Kela (wild Banana) in treatment of chicken pox. It is used as both curative and preventive. The seeds are given internally in combination with buffalo milk. This use is common among the senior natives of this region also. 

In previous articles, I have mentioned that the traditional healers of Chhattisgarh specially the bone -setters consider the Koha bark (Terminalia arjuna) and Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) very promising in reunion. The traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam region, consider the seeds of Babool (Acacia nilotica) equally effective. The seeds are converted into powder and in combination with Shahad (Honey) give it internally to the patients . Its use help in quick reunion. According to the traditional healers, this combination is a boon for the small children having poor bone development. Babool is a common tree of medicinal importance in Chhattisgarh. When the cattle get injuries, the traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam region use the bark of medicinal tree Bahera (Terminalia bellirica) in treatment. The bark is crushed into powder and this powder is mixed in wheat flour (Gahun Ata) and Chapatis (Roti) are prepared as one of the promising treatment. When I asked the healers, that whether it is useful for human beings also. Their reply was negative. Baheda is well known medicinal tree in this part of Chhattisgarh. The traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam region use the Mahua flowers internally in treatment of old problems of Gout. The flowers are boiled in cow-milk and converted into an aqueous solution. The patients having the problem of Gout are advised to take this solution. This use is continued till flowering season of Mahua. According to the healers, this one season use not only manages the problem but also prevents further attack. Mahua is well known tree of medicinal and religious importance. Its scientific name is Madhuca latifolia. The traditional healers of Bagbahera region are also aware of this unique use but they prefer goat milk in place of cow milk. In case of conjunctivitis, the traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam region use the fruit stone of Boir externally in treatment. The stone is converted into aqueous paste with the help of water and this paste is applied into the eyes. The scientific name of Boir is Zizyphus rotundifolia. In the long list of common herbs used in treatment of Diabetes, I have added the young twigs of Neem tree. The traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam region informed that the decoction of young twigs is a boon for the patients having these trouble. I have mentioned in previous articles that at start of rainy season when new leaves emerge in Neem trees, the natives never miss to consume the globules prepared from these leaves, in order to get protected from different diseases round the year. The traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam region informed that one can make these globules more strong by adding Hing (Asafoetida) and Kapoor (Camphar) in it. In treatment of hoarseness of voice, the traditional healers of this region informed about the use of Ama (Mango) leaf decoction. This decoction is given with Shahad (Honey) in order to get more promising results. 

Thank you very much for reading the article.

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