Some additional information on traditional use of Laung (Syzygium aromaticum ) in Chhattisgarh, India.
Some additional information on traditional use of Laung (Syzygium aromaticum ) in Chhattisgarh, India.
© Pankaj Oudhia
Although Laung is not a native to Chhattisgarh but the natives and traditional healers of Chhattisgarh have in depth traditional medicinal knowledge about Laung. It is used as popular home remedy. I have written a lot on these uses in my previous articles. While searching my fields diaries, I sorted out some additional information on traditional uses of Laung, I have collected through the ethnobotanical surveys. I am giving the details in this article.
Laung holds a reputed position among the herbs used in treatment of Cough. From the traditional healers of Southern Chhattisgarh, I got new formulation in which Laung plays an important role. To prepare this formulation, the healers mix Laung, Kali Mirch (Piper nigrum) and Baheda (Terminalia bellirica) fruit powder in equal proportions. In this mixture, equal quantity of Khair bark (Acacia catechu) is added. Separately, the bark of Babool (Acacia nilotica) is boiled in water to prepare the decoction. With the help of decoction, the healers prepare small globules (having the size of Boir, Zizyphus fruits), by mixing the herb mixture in decoction. These globules are kept for future use. The patients having Cough are advised to take these globules thrice a day to get rid from cough in very less time. The healers of other parts of Chhattisgarh are also aware of this formulation but they add more herbs in it to make it more promising. Kukronda roots are among these herbs. The traditional healers are unanimous in point that Laung plays an important role in this formulation and without it this formulation is in complete. In place of Khair bark, many healers use Kattha (Extracted from Khair bark ) for more promising effects. Without Babool bark decoction and Khair bark, the traditional healers of Bagbahera region use this formulation in treatment of fevers. They add Shakkar (Sugar) in place of Khair bark. According to them, its internal use reduces the high temperature in very less time.
The traditional healers of Chhattisgarh use Laung in treatment of morning sickness. They use Laung in powder form in combination with Anar (Punica granatum) fruit juice. This use is very popular among the healers. When I disclosed this combination to the traditional healers of Narharpur region, they informed that in place of Anar fruit juice, one can use Shahad (Honey) successfully. The healers of this region also use Laung in treatment of Rataundhi (Night Blindness). It is used externally. It is rubbed in stone with the help of cow urine and prepare to paste. This paste is applied inside the eyes as treatment. Many healers use Goat urine, in place of Cow Urine. It is a matter of scientific investigation that which urine is more promising. This paste is also used in treatment of Epilepsy.
This article is a supplement to previous articles on Laung. This is great feeling to document the rich traditional medicinal knowledge about the herb that is not a native to Chhattisgarh.
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