National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during February 01 to 06, 2007.

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2456
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National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during February 01 to 06, 2007. Related Ecoport Tables
Local NameScientific NameNational/International QueryRemarks
Tejraj{{Peucedanum nagpurensis}e}NIn limited quantity
KamrajGlossogyne pinnatifidaNIn limited quantity
Kali HaldiCurcuma caesiaN, INIn limited quantity
Patal KumhdaPueraria tuberosaN, INIn bulk
BemchiPsoralea corylifoliaNSeeds in bulk
KalmeghAndrographis paniculataN, INWhole herb as well as seeds
NirmaliStrychnos potatorumN, INIn bulk
KuchlaStrychnos nux-vomicaN, INIn bulk
BachAcorus calamusN, INGreen leaves as well as rhizomes. Less demand for Calamus oil
Safed MusliChlorophytum tuberosumNTubers in bulk
GunjaAbrus precatoriusN, INBlack and white seeds, leaves and plants
AithiHelicteres isoraNIn bulk
HarraTerminalia chebulaNFruits of old stock
KalihariGloriosa superbaN, INSeeds and tubers in any quantity
HadjodCissus quadrangularisN, INFleshy stems, herbal preparations
MothaCyperus rotundusNIn bulk
AkarkaraSpilanthes acmellaNWhole herb and heads
EkdandiTridax procumbensNWhole herb
VakeriCaesalpinia digynaN, INIn bulk
KusumSchleichera oleosaN, INOil in bulk
RanijadaJatropha gossypifoliaNOil in bulk
KaranjPongamia pinnataN, INOil in bulk
TenduDiospyros melanoxylonNSeeds in bulk
GudmarGymnema sylvestreN, INLeaves as well as herbal products
SatavarAsparagus racemosusN, INIn bulk
KevatchMucuna pruriensN, INSeeds in bulk
BaichandiDioscorea sp.N, INIn limited quantity
TikhurCurcuma leucorrhizaN, INIn limited quantity
Keu KandaCostus speciosusNIn bulk
BramhiBacopa monnieriN, INIn bulk
GulbakawaliHedychium coronariumN, INArk in bulk
Van HaldiCurcuma aromaticaNIn limited quantity
BeejaPterocarpus marsupiumNHerbal glasses
KohaTerminalia arjunaN, INBark as well as flowers
SajaTerminalia alataNFruits
Kasturi BhindiAbelmoschus moschatusN, INSeeds and oil
Lac N, INIn bulk, regular supply
Honey N, INIn bulk, emphasis on organic
DhanbaherCassia fistulaNSeeds and leaves
AmarbelCuscuta sp.NCollected from any plant in bulk
DhawaiWoodfordia fruticosaNIn bulk
MundiSphaeranthus indicusNWhole herb
Goti PhoolLantana camaraNFruits in bulk
BambriAcacia niloticaNGum and pods
BhirraChloroxylon swieteniaNYellow leaves in limited quantity
GondlaUrginea indicaNIn bulk
TulsiOcimum sanctumNLeaves and seeds
Van TulsaHyptis suaveolensNSeed oil
IsarmoolAristolochia indicaN, INIn bulk
PadriStereospermum personatumNPods in bulk


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