
Showing posts from April, 2013

Medicinal Rice-Lathyrus Formulations from North India: Consultation with Pankaj Oudhia

 A group of researchers from North India visited to me for “Consultation” on Medicinal Rice and Lathyrus based tens of Herbal Formulations for life style diseases. They claimed that these formulations were developed by them. But the claim was wrong. Most of these Formulations are used in rural India by expert Farmers as well as Traditional Rice Experts in areas where Medicinal Rice and Lathyrus are still under cultivation. They informed that the future is of Medicinal Rice and Lathyrus and this is the reason they are keeping focus of these crops.  

Medicinal Rice-Millet Formulations from Andhra Pradesh: Consultation with Pankaj Oudhia

Few months back visitors from Andhra Pradesh approached for “Consultation.” They were in process of developing Medicinal Rice and Millets based Food products. They were using Traditional Medicinal Rice of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. Due to lack of published literature on these Rice types they were facing problem. In absence of direct references they are seeking information on cross references on Medicinal Rice and my research publications on Medicinal Rice suggested them to take appointment for consultation. I furnished detailed list of research publication on Medicinal Rice. I tasted some of their Food products. The products were full of health and also very tasty.    

Medicinal Rice-Orchid Formulations from Manipur: Consultation with Pankaj Oudhia

Last year I received a gift from Manipur farmers engaged in conservation of Traditional Medicinal Rice. They approached to me with patient at advanced stage of cancer. The Traditional Healing Methods suggested by me worked in promising way and the patient survived. Although it was part of “Consultation” but I refused to take any charge. After returning back the farmers sent gift to me. The gift was in form of notebook having interesting information on Manipur Medicinal Rice. I found tens of promising Herbal Formulations in which Medicinal Rice types are used with wild orchids as main ingredients. Medicinal Rice-Orchid Formulations are not new in Traditional Healing but I must say that the gift from Manipur was unique. 

Medicinal Rice of Orissa for skin diseases: Consultation with Pankaj Oudhia

A group of farmers visited to me for “Consultation” on Herbal Farming. They were from Orissa. During interaction they shared information about Traditional Medicinal Rice used externally for management of Skin diseases. Seeing my interest later they arranged seeds for me. During my surveys in Orissa many years back I collected lot of information on Medicinal Rice used for different diseases including Skin diseases. I am planning to present Orissa Medicinal Rice seeds to the Traditional Medicinal Rice Experts of Central India for further study.  

Medicinal Rice of Maharashtra for Vitiligo: Consultation with Pankaj Oudhia

Last week three persons from Maharashtra visited to me for “Consultation” on Vitiligo treatment through Traditional Healing methods. During interaction they informed that many Healers of Maharashtra are recommending Medicinal Rice as main treatment of Vitiligo with much success. It forced me to check my database. I found atleast 30 types of Medicinal Rice used in Vitiligo. It was good to know that the Healers as well as Farmers are still growing Traditional Medicinal Rice in Maharashtra. I suggested improvement in Maharashtra Medicinal Rice Formulations to the visitors.   

Medicinal Rice and young Entomologists: Consultation with Pankaj Oudhia

A group of young Entomologists visited to me for the list of Medicinal Rice having good level of resistance to insect attack. They were working on Gall Midge. During two hour discussion we discussed potential and well known Medicinal Rice from different parts of India and also from Nepal and Bangladesh.  They took interest in Vedic farming in which insects are managed through eco-friendly way. 

Medicinal Rice and Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge: Consultation with Pankaj Oudhia

After reading my research documents on Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge practiced by Traditional Rice Experts and Traditional Healers in Medicinal Rice cultivation, a group of farmers from Kerala approached to me with lot of questions. Two hour brain storming discussion benefited every one participated in this discussion.  They assured me to use Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge for famous Medicinal Rice of Kerala.  

Stevia Farming-Role of Indigenous species: Consultation with Pankaj Oudhia

A group of young researchers engaged in Stevia Cultivation interacted with me last month. The purpose of “Consultation” was to get knowledge about indigenous species beneficial for growth of Stevia crop. During two hour interaction they showed interest in indigenous species having multi uses viz. species for growth promotion as well as for insect and disease management. They are planning to visit Indian Stevia Farms where some of these species are in use.